1. Foundational Infrastructure Inventory (Foundational Digital and Data Infrastructure)
Section 1:
Develop policy framework conducive to investment and competition
Deploy/extend digital infrastructure
Develop plan to coordinate infrastructural roll-out (electricity and telecoms)
Promote service-based competition through coordinated sectoral, competition, and information (data) regulators
Infrastructure development framework in place1
1. Foundational Infrastructure Inventory (Foundational Digital and Data Infrastructure)
Section 2: Deploy data infrastructure (assets, technology, people, institutions required to improve operation and consumption) Develop national information infrastructure
This should take into account at least the following factors: % Mobile Coverage (geographic/population); kms of fibre rolled out (backhaul/transmission networks); set up of national and regional IXPs; penetration (percentage of population using/ownership to broadband services/device); national data warehouse capacity (access); pricing/affordability (10MBs < 2% of GNI); platform growth - platforms/number of subscribers. See Digital Transformation Strategy 2020.
Regulation of standards in alignment with agreed common continental standards
Contractual standards are created for public organisations and SMEs to access, retrieve, and delete data that is processed by cloud providers
FRAND licensing obligations for platform/cloud provider are in place
1. Foundational Infrastructure Inventory (Foundational Digital and Data Infrastructure)
Section 3: Deploy national digital ID system
Operational national digital ID system in line with continental standards
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Data Markets Inventory)
Section 1:
Define data market
Catalogue data assets
Prioritise data initiatives
Data assets well catalogued
Clear data initiatives are adapted
Compliance with data protection requirements
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Cross-sector Policies Inventory)
Section 2: Competition policy
Routine collaboration between regulatory institutions
Updated definitions and terms are used in analyses and findings by regulator
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Cross-sector Policies Inventory)
Section 3: Innovation policy
All data except personal data used in research and publication is open by default with exceptions requiring reporting to national research authorities
Software from universities or written for use by government is open source
Data and innovation policy aligned
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Cross-sector Policies Inventory)
Section 4: Trade Policy
African caucus formed representing African interests in trade negotiations on digital and data products and services
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Cross-sector Policies Inventory)
Section 5: Taxation Policy
Substantial tax revenue from digital goods/services and enterprises
Effective Africa Member State participation in an African caucus at international negotiations of taxation regime (e.g., BEPS).
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Creating Private Value)
Section 6: Create environment for investment in private data creation and curation
Open data standards for public data are also used by the private sector A. Data engineers and scientists AU DATA POLICY
Increased number of public-private collaborations
Compliance with data protection requirements
An increase in cross-border data flows
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Creating Private Value)
Section 7: Ensure the quality and relevance of private data collected
Private sector data is relied on and used by businesses institutions and agencies and is of the highest quality
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Creating Private Value)
Section 8: Incentivise private sector to create jobs and build capacity
Private sector data stewards are equipped with the necessary tools
Incentives are in place to stimulate job creation and skills development
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Creating Public Value)
Section 9: Curate public data
Open data standards policy developed
Open data standards for public data are used by government agencies
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Creating Public Value)
Section 10: Build public sector capacity
Public value creation
Public sector data stewards are wellequipped with the necessary tools
There is adequate human resource capacity
2. Data Value Creation and Markets Inventory (Creating Public Value)
Section 11: Ensure quality and relevance of public sector data
Public sector data is relied on by external agencies and international intergovernmental organisations as highest quality data available
Data quality assessments periodically carried out
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 1: Collaborate with regional and global governance processes
AU and REC agreements and policies legitimate and trustworthy
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 2: Create consultative and evidence-based regulations for dynamic and adaptive global systems
Regulations supported as appropriate by most stakeholders
Consultation and participatory policy and administrative actions by authorities take place
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 3: Enhance cyber security for data creation, processing, storing, and sharing
Cyber maturity assessment results are clear, actionable and evidence-based
Cyber security strategy developed through a multistakeholder consultation and is adopted
Cyber security strategy informs roles and responsibilities of institutional arrangement
Institutional arrangement is capacitated
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 4: Prosecute crime against confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information
Cybercrime legislation is adopted
Law enforcement and judges are able to investigate and prosecute cybercrime
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 5: Data protection (personal data protection)
Up-to-date personal data protection law in force
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 6: Data regulator
Enforcement of and compliance with data authority rulings are widely followed
Data authority decisions subject to rule of law through legal review
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 7: Data innovation (IP)
Copyright, patent legislation and trade secret for laws enable free use of data, especially for computer research
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 8: Data justice
All data regulations and regulatory actions respect, protect human rights and enable socio-economic rights (social and economic justice)
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 9: Data ethics
Data ethics (ethics-by-design) guidelines approved and implemented and supported by communities affected by data practices
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 10: Competition regulation
Autonomous, empowered authority with specialised knowledge of globalised data and adjacent markets, anti-competitive impact on national markets, and active in regional and global competition (anti-trust) issues for collaborative enforcement
3. Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems (Legitimate and Trustworthy Data Systems Inventory)
Section 11: Consumer protection
Empowered and capacitated protector active on data issues
4. Data Standards and Data Categorisation Inventory (Data Categorisation)
Section 1: Create framework for regulatory and statutory compliance in accordance with continental/regional frameworks (+ focus on data-related fundamental rights and transparency)
Integrated data system consistent with continental/regional standards
4. Data Standards and Data Categorisation Inventory (Data Categorisation)
Section 2: Develop technical standards that are consistent with continental/regional frameworks (+ focus on technical characteristic of data)
Technical standards categories of data aligned with continental/regional technical standards
Standards are in place for safety and security, open data and data sharing for national and cross-border purposes
4. Data Standards and Data Categorisation Inventory (Data Categorisation)
Section 3: Consider socio-cultural and operational responsibilities (+ focus on non-technical and non-regulatory data-related practices)
Mass public awareness of data self-management including data protection and cybersecurity (See: Digital Transformation Strategy 2020)
4. Data Standards and Data Categorisation Inventory (Data Categorisation)
Section 4: Identify risk mitigation standards (+ focus on data security and data access regulatory and non-regulatory aspects)
Confidential, secret or sensitive data identified by category
Security standards are in place
4. Data Standards and Data Categorisation Inventory (Data Categorisation)
Section 5: Develop corporate policies or voluntary criteria (+ focus on parameters adopted under company policies and self-adopted constraints or criteria)
Develop through multistakeholder process corporate/industry/sector guidelines for data management in place
4. Data Standards and Data Categorisation Inventory (Open Data Standards and Data-sharing Initiatives Inventory)
Section 1: Develop standards for what data can be shared and the means by which it can be shared
Open data regime for non-personal and personal data in public sector (accessible, quality, manipulatable) established
Progress on implementation and use of open data
4. Data Standards and Data Categorisation Inventory (Data Skills Inventory)
Section 1: Increase data skills
Data literacy integrated into school curricula and widely available
Data analysis skills at tertiary level available to all qualifying graduates
Online e-skills development programme to provide basic knowledge and skills in security and privacy in digital environment to 100 million Africans a year by 2030, and 300 million per year by 2025 (See: Digital Transformation Strategy 2020)
Data policy awareness amongst all policy makers
Adult digital and data literacy campaigns initiated
5. Data Governance (Data Governance Inventory)
Section 1: Data protection (personal /sensitive)
Institutional arrangements for autonomous and capacitated data/information regulator
Cross-jurisdiction powers and collaboration between national agencies and regional and continental data authorities
Up-to-date personal data protection law in force
Participation in peer networks
Public participatory strategies/frameworks in place
5. Data Governance (Data Governance Inventory)
Section 2: Data sovereignty
Regulation protects individual data sovereignty and establishes flexible control over the flow of data within and beyond the border of the country
5. Data Governance (Data Governance Inventory)
Section 3: Data control: data localisation
Justified and appropriate data localisation rules for special types of data operation
Rules reviewed to ensure no unanticipated consequences
5. Data Governance (Data Governance Inventory)
Section 4: Data access and interoperability
Data standards for interoperability and access in force
5. Data Governance (Data Governance Inventory)
Section 5: Data security
Data security standards in operation
State uses secure technologies and creates/supports national or regional market for secure data technologies through procurement practises
5. Data Governance (Data Governance Inventory)
Section 6: Cross-border data flows
Domestic support by both consumers and entrepreneurs for cross-border data flow
5. Data Governance (Data Governance Inventory)
Section 7: Data demand
Public sector decisions deploy public data
Public sector data enables civil society and development agency work
5. Data Governance (Data Governance Inventory)
Section 8: Open data
Standards for open data developed
Guidelines created for specified private sector data are made public and contribute to data lakes or data commons or public interest data
Survey created successfully
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