Who stands to gain from the AU Citizen Engagement Platform?
The goal is to benefit all African citizens, with a specific emphasis on empowering youth and women who aspire to actively participate in shaping the continent's agenda and influencing policy decisions.
What features does the AU Citizen Engagement Platform offer for citizens?
The platform provides features such as surveys, document and proposal consultations, events that help citizens participate in various engagements happening on the continent. Beyond these features citizens can also subscribe for newsletters, make proposal on engagements, follow news, and participate on forums.
What are the benefits of the AU Citizen Engagement Platform?
Citizens can provide comments and feedback on AU policies and initiatives. They can also monitor the implementation of regional and national policies, strategies, and initiatives. Policymakers can use the platform to engage stakeholders and establish continuous involvement on policy matters.
Why was the AU Citizen Engagement Platform developed?
The main objective of CEP is to ensure the active participation of African citizens in policymaking processes. It provides access to information, such as draft policies, development initiatives, and scheduled consultations, allowing citizens to offer direct comments and feedback.
What is an engagement activity on the Citizen Engagement Platform (CEP)?
An Engagement activity is a way or method by which citizens can contribute their opinions to shape policies and initiatives. The Citizen Engagement Platform (CEP) has surveys, polls, events, document consultation and proposals as featured engagement activities.
What is an engagement on the Citizen Engagement Platform (CEP) ?
An Engagement is an ongoing process that requires citizen participation. You will be able to view these on the homepage and engagements tab on the main header menu.
What is the African Union Citizen Engagement Platform (CEP)?
<p>The Citizen Engagement Platform (CEP) is a digital platform designed to facilitate citizen engagement processes for African Union organs and member states. It includes country chapters aimed at placing African citizens at the center of efforts for continental integration, prosperity, and development.</p>