NEPAD is based in South Africa and is mandated to facilitate and coordinate the implementation of regional and continental priority development programmes and projects, and to push for partnerships, resource mobilisation and research and knowledge management View Institution
The African Union's commitment to fostering citizen engagement for effective development is taking a significant step forward with the DataCipation Program. This initiative, driven by the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), is geared towards empowering African citizens to actively contribute to shaping policies and fostering innovation in line with Agenda 2063.
Aims and Objectives
The DataCipation Program aims to leverage the power of data and digital platforms to enhance citizen participation and bring them to the forefront of development efforts. By encouraging dialogue, enabling collaboration, and nurturing innovation, the program seeks to align with Agenda 2063's aspirations and goals.
Focus on Kingdom of Eswatini
In a pioneering role, the Kingdom of Eswatini has been chosen as a pilot country for the DataCipation Program. At the core of this endeavour is the Ministry of ICT, which is set to orchestrate consultations with a diverse array of stakeholders. This collaboration includes government entities, local governments, academia, civil society, and the private sector.
The African Union's commitment to fostering citizen engagement for effective development is taking a significant step forward with the DataCipation Program. This initiative, driven by the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), is geared towards empowering African citizens to actively contribute to shaping policies and fostering innovation in line with Agenda 2063.
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DataCipation Program Country Consultation in the Kingdom of Eswatini
AUDA - NEPAD - Africa Union Development Agency
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Start Date : 2023-08-09 - End Date : 2023-08-09
eventJoin us for an interactive event focused on exploring innovative frameworks, approaches, and tools that foster meaningful citizen engagement. We are excited to introduce and gather feedback on our cutting-edge Citizen Engagement Platform, designed to facilitate collaboration between government, organizations, and citizens to address pressing community issues.
ENGAGEStart Date : 09th August 2023 - End Date : 12th August 2023
PollParticipation in DataCipation Program: Kingdom of Eswatini's Consultation Poll on Agenda 2063
Start Date : 10th August 2023 - End Date : 11th August 2023
SurveyThese questionnaire aim to gather insights about participants' awareness of the program, their perceptions of its potential impact, their willi...
Start Date : 2023-08-08 - End Date : 2023-08-10
eventThe DataCipation Program aims to leverage the power of data and digital platforms to enhance citizen participation and bring them to the forefront of development efforts. By encouraging dialogue, enabling collaboration, and nurturing innovation, the program seeks to align with Agenda 2063's aspirations and goals.
Focus on Kingdom of Eswatini
In a pioneer...
ENGAGEStart Date : 10th August 2023 - End Date : 11th August 2023
SurveyThese questionnaire aim to gather insights about participants' awareness of the program, their perceptions of its potential impact, their willi...
Start Date : 2023-08-09 - End Date : 2023-08-09
eventJoin us for an interactive event focused on exploring innovative frameworks, approaches, and tools that foster meaningful citizen engagement. We are excited to introduce and gather feedback on our cutting-edge Citizen Engagement Platform, designed to facilitate collaboration between government, organizations, and citizens to address pressing community issues.
Start Date : 2023-08-08 - End Date : 2023-08-10
eventThe DataCipation Program aims to leverage the power of data and digital platforms to enhance citizen participation and bring them to the forefront of development efforts. By encouraging dialogue, enabling collaboration, and nurturing innovation, the program seeks to align with Agenda 2063's aspirations and goals.
Focus on Kingdom of Eswatini
In a pioneer...
ENGAGEStart Date : 09th August 2023 - End Date : 12th August 2023
PollParticipation in DataCipation Program: Kingdom of Eswatini's Consultation Poll on Agenda 2063
Created on : 2023-08-08 13:32:26
The DataCipation Program aims to leverage the power of data and digital platforms to enhance citizen participation and bring them to the forefront of development efforts. By encouraging dialogue, enabling collaboration, and nurturing innovation, the progr
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The Citizen Engagement Platform CEP main objective is to ensure participation of African citizens in policymaking processes through the provision of access to information as well as facilitating opportunities for interaction, exchanges and ultimately co-creation of solutions and ideas with policymakers through digital and non-digital approaches towards the attainment of Agenda 2063.
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